Different Car/Motorcycle Owners be like

by Hans Pujara | May 17th 2024
Okay, this is not serious, this is just a fun one! Just making fun of different types of cars and bikes, their owners and how they think about them. Please do not throw something at me and don’t get offended. Relax, en...

Types of fuels that can be alternatives to electric vehicles

by Hans Pujara | March 13th 2024
Electric Vehicles. Everyone is talking about them. Everyone thinks that they are the alternative to ICE engines. They are the future. But, the future is uncertain, and you must not come to conclusions so early. EVs are...

My favorite Muscle cars

by Hans Pujara | March 12th 2024
Muscle cars. American Muscle. They don’t make sense, but car enthusiasts long for them like moths drawn to a candle. What does it really mean? And why do people like them? Muscle Cars, which are mostly American, ar...
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