by Hans Pujara
July 7th 2024.

Driving in traffic, in the city, in some tough situations, specially in India, where traffic rules are a joke, and everyone is trying to jump signals, plow their way through, drive on the wrong side, and try to be the next Rossi, can be frustrating. You might lose your cool someday, if you are a calm person. If you aren’t, that can happen any minute. But you know what will help? Not retaliating, not cursing or honking, not getting into a fight. The exact opposite, in fact. Patience, and taking a deep breath.

I mean, if you think about it, so many road rage incidents or serious lethal accidents, or fender-benders can be avoided, by just taking a deep breath, and a bit of consideration! Considering the amount of minor and serious incidents happening in India, it is quite clear that most of it is driver error, and can be avoided if the driver of the vehicle shows some patience, and consideration! If someone cuts you off, then let him go. A fight is not worth it. If someone breaks a signal, don’t break it. Ease out of the signal slowly, even when people are honking at you. It’s not worth breaking a signal. If someone bumps you, de-escalate the situation calmly. That bump can get fixed later. He will pay you in fact, if you deal with this situation properly. If something happens, anything happens, reacting to it angrily, is only going to make it worse. And you know what else is worse? You will be blamed for everything because you lost your temper. So, it's better to be patient and considerate. You will be surprised at how many incidents you will be able to avoid. And also, a calm mind will always be able to drive better, and handle a situation better, than an excited or frustrated one.

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