A hard reset

by Hans Pujara | January 7th 2025
This is a slightly controversial one. In this one, I am going to be speaking from my heart, and I would love to hear all your opinions on this one as well, especially car enthusiasts. You can always email me-hanspujara...

Do this, and you don't have to worry about your car

by Hans Pujara | September 28th 2024
We humans, are natural worriers. We worry a lot, which is essential in some amounts, because it is a survival mechanism. It saves us from danger and keeps us safe. But, too much worrying isn’t good for you. So if you w...

Favorite cars in movies

by Hans Pujara | September 21st 2024
We car-guys dream as well, like regular people. Let’s face it, most of what’s shown in the movies isn’t real, most of it is fake and made-up, and the other half of it is done by talented stunt drivers like Ben Collins...
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