by Hans Pujara
July 8th 2024.

Beginner? Want to improve your driving? Want to be faster? Want to show-off your driving skills and be a faster driver? Try to be smooth. Being smooth with your inputs, as a driver, or rider, will make you better. Don’t believe me? Sounds bogus? Look at every amazing racing driver, all the amazing drivers (including Sir Jackie Stewart and the Ex-Stig), whoever in your family you respect as a good driver, hell you can ask them, they will tell you that their secret to success is that they are smooth, and methodical, with their inputs. This doesn’t just apply to cars or motorcycles, but every skill that you try to learn in life. You start slow, and once you learn, you practice slow and try to smoothen out everything. Then you increase the speed. Slow is smooth. Smooth is fast. That’s how it works. Try it, smoothen everything out, and you will be surprised at what a massive unlock that would be, and how much your driving will improve. Also, if you are a beginner, a pro tip. If you become smoother with your inputs, then other people with you in the car will feel more comfortable when you are driving, and appreciate you more.  

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