by Hans Pujara
July 3rd 2024.

Is my car 5-star rated? Is this low-power motorcycle going to be enough to get me through that long ride? Did I make the right purchase decision? Hey, hey! Slow down, man. Worrying isn’t the solution.

When you are purchasing a car, or a motorcycle, then you must realize that this is going to be the most important, and special purchase in your life. If you make a mistake, so what? Once the vehicle is yours, remember, that it is the best vehicle in the world, because it is yours. Now, in the Indian car and motorcycle market, there are so many options, that it can worry people a lot. It can confuse and make them panic. Don’t. A car or a motorcycle is an emotional decision. Buy what your heart wants. All the logical things are secondary once you have narrowed down everything. If you are worried about your less powered motorcycle not being able to tour, remember, anything can tour. You just have to plan everything. It’s not a big deal. Same applies to cars. If you are worried about 5-star safety rating and all that, then don’t. It’s not worth it, living in that paranoia. Learn how to drive. No offense, learn how to drive. By that I mean, become a better, safer driver the hard way, through constant practice and maturity, and ensure that you aren’t putting the car and the people travelling with you in the car in dangerous situations. Remember, you buy a car to drive, not to do a crash test. Also, wear your seatbelt if you are so worried about safety. Even a 5-star rated car will not save you and airbags won’t work without a proper three-point seatbelt. Same applies to motorcycles. Learn to ride. Join a riding school if you can. By succumbing to this epidemic of worrying, you will become a passenger of your life. My request is that you become the driver or rider of the ride of your life. Also, if there is a price difference, and the motorcycle or car you want is slightly expensive, don’t hesitate to splurge, because price doesn’t count the moment the vehicle leaves the showroom, and money will come and go, but once time is gone, it won’t come back. So, value your time, and spend that time with the vehicle you want, make the most of it. Nothing else matters.

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