by Hans Pujara
January 14th 2025.

Get out. Get out of your comfort zone. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Discomfort leads you to progress. Okay, no, no, no, no! Don’t close it yet! You are at the right place. This is a car website. So why am I sounding like a discount motivational guru? Because that’s exactly what all of you need to hear.

In a car-guy and a motorcycle enthusiast’s life, there is a lot of discomfort, uncertainty, and fear. Not to mention the financial hurdles that just make things even more complicated. But in my opinion, it’s part of the fun! If you had everything under the sun, and never faced discomfort, then your life would be boring, you would be a boring person to hang out with, and you won’t have interesting stories to tell! It’s all about the journey, not the destination. Like I said, buying the fancy car or motorcycle is only going to make you temporarily happy. What you do with it, determines whether the happiness lasts or not. (PLEASE don’t make it a garage queen) It’s not the machine, it's what you can accomplish with it. So, clock as many kilometers on your cars or motorcycles, and tour as much as you can, do as much as you can do with what you have. Life is too short to wait for you. Fail more and learn more, learn to enjoy the journey and the discomfort. Turns out, you will be an interesting person and you will have quite a lot of stories to tell. You will be surprised at how much you can do and where you can go with just an Alto, WagonR, Splendor, or an Activa. So, savor the moment! Start now, and don’t delay! Work towards your driving and riding skills, learn new things about cars and motorcycles, understand your machine, and it’s limits, and then break those limits and do more with your machine. If you don’t, you will get older and feel older, trust me. For the middle-aged and older readers, it’s not over for you guys! It has just begun. If you truly want to feel young, then drive more, ride more, and do more. Acquiring expensive cars and keeping them parked won’t bring you any satisfaction. So, to conclude, get out, and make the most of what you have! Complaining ensures that you stay where you are, whereas doing ensures that you reach new heights. Okay, enough of this discount motivational stuff. Should I try comedy?

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