by Hans Pujara
September 4th 2022.

Hello people! Today’s topic is a bit different, and demands a bit of careful and patient introspection, from each and every one of you, enjoying the opportunity of reading this blog post, in the comfort of your homes, most probably oblivious to the fact that you own a car, or a bike, or multiple of them, or just the former or the latter or multiple of it. Maybe you don’t own a vehicle, but while looking out for the next bus or train in the hectic rush of the daily grind most of us call life, expecting the bonus or raise in salary from your manipulative and picky boss, you aspire to own one. In that case, good luck my man, or woman. There is still The Pandora’s box of hope out there for you, hope that one day, one fine day, one achingly, unbelievably beautiful day, you will get the car or bike of your dreams. Whatever that might be, the question, the crucial question, the question of the decade, is-What makes your vehicle, or the vehicle of your dreams, special?

Is it the performance, the handling, the amount of luxury, the build quality? The badge of the company that you are a fan of? Nah, I don’t want these reasons. I will give them a hard pass, they are too logical. The fuel economy?! Seriously, that’s your answer? I want you to think. Think, with a more emotional perspective. What is it that makes you feel like a God, makes you feel like Tom Cruise or something? the moment you start driving it, you are in a whole new state, energized, resisting the urge to laugh, a wide grin plastered on your face, adrenaline pumping, the hair on the back of your neck standing, the music playing in the stereo, the sound made by the motor as you bang through the gears and blast it down a wide open road, or you still don’t own it and you come back to tiredness and eternal boredom from the daily grind, you dream all of it. You dream all of it, which takes you to a whole new state, where you feel like you are on the top of the whole damn world. You are finally free, finally free from life’s boredom, blasting down your favourite road, or doing whatever you imagined in your fantasies. What is it, that tugs at your hearts strings?

It does not have to be a ridiculously expensive supercar or MotoGP prototype to be special. I have a friend, who celebrates his car’s birthday, by worshipping the car, and going out somewhere. And he does not own some Ferrari, he just owns an i20, but he feels the value of it. He understands its value in his family. He loves it like crazy, and maintains it like it’s his darling. It’s never just the Brembo brakes or the power of the engine or the massaging seats that makes a vehicle special. There is always more to a vehicle, more to it, than performance numbers and brand image. Think about it.

Okay let me try, then you try, okay?

You know what makes my Dad’s Honda City special? Is it the fact that it has a 1.5-liter V-TEC petrol motor, that makes north of 110 bhp? No! It’s the way it makes me feel, when I rev the hell out of it, when I bang through the gears, when I enjoy the classy, understated, elegant and simple interior, and the feel and feedback provided by the amazing steering and stiff suspension. Is my answer correct? No idea. But I am sure as hell looking forward to the next drive-something that will make me feel, on the top of the world, and something that will plaster a wide grin on my face, after a rough day, or just to chill in the weekend. But I want your opinion on this. Think about it…………………………………………………………………………………


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