Something about Engine oil

by Hans Pujara | July 1st 2021
Engine oil is a very important part of your car, bike, truck etc. Engine oil lubricates all the parts of the engine of your vehicle. The engine consists of moving parts that are made up of metal, that need to be lubric...

Some of the cars that Indian Prime Ministers used

by Hans Pujara | June 20th 2021
Indians know that the Prime Minister of India is the most powerful and important person in India. Prime Ministers have a very important job-they deal with the task of governing this vast country. In a country where the...

Maruti 800-India's First Family Car

by Hans Pujara | June 9th 2021
Now, everyone would be like “Hey! Why are you writing a blog post on the Maruti 800? Have you lost your mind? Come on man, get over it! This guy is so boring!” Hear me out, people, and let me explain. If you are an I...
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