How important is reliability?

by Hans Pujara | January 25th 2025
Reliability. Reliability, Reliability, Reliability. That’s what Indians want, don’t they? What if there was a car, that truly never broke down, a car that never gave you trouble, a car, that magically never died, ran p...

Get Out!

by Hans Pujara | January 14th 2025
Get out. Get out of your comfort zone. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Discomfort leads you to progress. Okay, no, no, no, no! Don’t close it yet! You are at the right place. This is a car website. So why am...

Heater and Air-Conditioner-How does it work?

by Hans Pujara | January 7th 2025
Hey guys! Sorry for not updating for a long time. I wanted to upload, but couldn’t upload due to academic commitments. Just college stuff, to simply put it. Now, you must be wondering, how do you stay cool in your car...
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