What is a supercharger and how it works?

by Hans Pujara | August 8th 2021
Superchargers. The blowers of evil. The blowers with a dark secret, that pour more air and more power into engines and make them powerful beasts. With the marketing that I did just now, even a fool will believe that a...

What is a supercharger and how it works?

by Hans Pujara | August 8th 2021
Superchargers. The blowers of evil. The blowers with a dark secret, that pour more air and more power into engines and make them powerful beasts. With the marketing that I did just now, even a fool will believe that a...

What is a turbocharger and how it works?

by Hans Pujara | August 4th 2021
Turbochargers. Also known as turbos for short. What are they? How do they work? I am going to explain in this blog post. To make things simple, let me give a background. In an internal combustion engine, if you want...
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