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I am serious about this. The very fact that I am asking this question highlights that there is a very big problem. We are taking things too seriously. We have forgotten to relax, take a chill pill, and have fun! A joke must be taken as a joke, and a fact must be taken as an accurate, objective, fact, and that’s how it must be. Unfortunately, people have just isolated themselves in echo-chambers, such that people just take their opinions too seriously, take their opinions as fact, and any joke that offends them or any fact that renders their opinion obsolete, or false, or not aligning with reality, then they will get so up in arms and so offended, that they will start a war in the comments section, spreading hate and death threats. And this isn’t a story, it really happens. Every single time. And not just in the car community. Everywhere. There are automotive journalists across the world, who are known for providing great content that people love, and they are barraged with hate comments every single time, and the anonymous commenter has zero consideration for the capability, and amazing content, and the wealth of experience that the journalist brings to the table. Not to mention the amount of blood, sweat and tears that the journalist and his team has poured into the video. It is heartbreaking to see automotive journalists talk about hate comments and how they deal with it. Some great ones want to quit because of it! The same thing applies to car companies as well. The teams of talented engineers pour their heart and soul into a car, and some random person hates on it. Imagine how they feel. You must consider their position as well, before you start typing that hate comment. It is a shame that the car community has come to this. Enough ranting, let me get straight to the point. The point is to stop hating and take it easy. There is already a lot of hate in this world. Let’s please keep cars away from it.
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