Why does it take more than money to buy a Ferrari?

by Hans Pujara | May 30th 2021
Let’s face it-Ferrari is one of the most iconic car brands when it comes to motorsport heritage, racing, luxury and pure exclusivity. But, buying a Ferrari is not as easy as you think. Remember, you are buying a Ferrar...

What makes Teslas so Badass ???

by Hans Pujara | May 25th 2021
If I told you to close your eyes and imagine the most badass, innovative and mind-blowing electric car, I bet that the majority of you will say the word “Tesla”. Everyone is talking about this car. In 2019, Tesla made...

Suzuki Hayabusa-One of the most Iconic bikes ever made

by Hans Pujara | May 20th 2021
“Hayabusa”. Every person who knows something about bikes knows this name. It is the dream bike for any person, who knows a thing or two about bikes. It is a legend that needs no introduction. When you hear the name…..y...
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